J. Michael Steele

J. Michael Steele
  • C.F. Koo Professor Emeritus of Statistics

Contact Information

Research Interests: applications of probability, mathematical finance, modeling of price processes, statistical modeling

Links: Personal Website



PhD, Stanford University, 1975
BA, Cornell University, 1971

Career and Recent Professional Awards

President, Institute for Mathematical Statistics, 2010
Fellow, Institute for Mathematical Statistics, 1984
Fellow, American Statistical Association, 1989
Frank Wilcoxon Prize, American Society for Quality Control and the American Statistical Association, 1990

Academic Positions Held

Wharton: 1990-present (named C.F. Koo Professor, 1991).

Previous appointments: Princeton University; Carnegie Mellon University; Stanford University; University of British Columbia.

Visiting appointments: University of Chicago, Columbia University

Continue Reading


  • V. Pozdnyakov and J. Michael Steele, Scan Statistics: Pattern Relations and Martingale Methods. In Handbook of Scan Statistics, edited by (J. Glaz, et al), Springer Verlag, (2019)

  • A. Arlotto and J. Michael Steele (2018), A Central Limit Theorem for Costs in Bulinskaya’s Inventory Management Problem When Deliveries Face Delays, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability: Special Issue in Memory of Moshe Shaked, 41 (4), pp. 1448-1468.

  • J. Michael Steele (2016), The Bruss-Robertson Inequality: Elaborations, Extensions, and Applications, Mathematica Applicanda (Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae Series III), 44 (1) (), pp. 3-16.

  • A. Arlotto and J. Michael Steele (2016), A Central Limit Theorem for Temporally Non-Homogenous Markov Chains with Applications to Dynamic Programming, Mathematics of Operations Research, 41 (4), pp. 1448-1468.

  • Peichao Peng and J. Michael Steele (2016), Sequential Selection of a Monotone Subsequence from a Random Permutation, Proceedings of the American Mathematics Society, 144 (11), pp. 4973-4982.

  • A. Arlotto, Elchanan Mossel, J. Michael Steele (2016), Quickest Online Selection of an Increasing Subsequence of Specified Size, Random Structures and Algorithms, 49 (), pp. 235-252.

  • A. Arlotto and J. Michael Steele (2016), Beardwood-Halton-Hammersly Theorem for Stationary Ergodic Sequences: a Counter-example, Annals of Applied Probability, 26 (4), pp. 2141-2168.

  • V. Posdnyakov and J. Michael Steele (2016), Buses, Bullies, and Bijections, Mathematics Magazine, 89 (3), pp. 167-176.

  • S. Bhamidi, J. Michael Steele, T. Zaman (2015), Twitter Event Networks and the Superstar Model, Annals of Applied Probability, 25 (5), pp. 2462-2502.

  • A. Arlotto, V. Nguyen, J. Michael Steele (2015), Optimal Online Selection of a Monotone Subsequence: A Central Limit Theorem, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 125 (), pp. 3596-3622.


All Courses

  • MATH5460 - Adv Applied Probability

    The required background is (1) enough math background to understand proof techniques in real analysis (closed sets, uniform covergence, fourier series, etc.) and (2) some exposure to probability theory at an intuitive level (a course at the level of Ross's probability text or some exposure to probability in a statistics class).

  • STAT4330 - Stochastic Processes

    An introduction to Stochastic Processes. The primary focus is on Markov Chains, Martingales and Gaussian Processes. We will discuss many interesting applications from physics to economics. Topics may include: simulations of path functions, game theory and linear programming, stochastic optimization, Brownian Motion and Black-Scholes.

  • STAT5330 - Stochastic Processes

    An introduction to Stochastic Processes. The primary focus is on Markov Chains, Martingales and Gaussian Processes. We will discuss many interesting applications from physics to economics. Topics may include: simulations of path functions, game theory and linear programming, stochastic optimization, Brownian Motion and Black-Scholes.

  • STAT9910 - Sem in Adv Appl of Stat

    This seminar will be taken by doctoral candidates after the completion of most of their coursework. Topics vary from year to year and are chosen from advance probability, statistical inference, robust methods, and decision theory with principal emphasis on applications.

  • STAT9950 - Dissertation


Awards and Honors

  • Wharton Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Award, 2010
  • Frank Wilcoxon Prize, American Society for Quality Control and the American Statistical Association, 1990
  • Fellow, American Statistical Association, 1989
  • Fellow, Institute for Mathematical Statistics, 1984

In the News

Knowledge at Wharton


Latest Research

V. Pozdnyakov and J. Michael Steele, Scan Statistics: Pattern Relations and Martingale Methods. In Handbook of Scan Statistics, edited by (J. Glaz, et al), Springer Verlag, (2019)
All Research

In the News

Polling the Polling Experts: How Accurate and Useful Are Polls These Days?

Turn on the Internet, pick up your telephone or cell phone, read a newspaper or watch television: No matter what the communication vehicle is, polls and the reporting of poll results are ubiquitous. Yet how accurate are polls? Can they be manipulated? How do the Internet and the proliferation of cell phone users affect both marketing and political polls? And which polls are the most reliable? Knowledge at Wharton interviewed the experts.Read More

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