Christina Hernandez, Stephen Ellner, Robin Snyder, Giles Hooker (2024), The natural history of luck: A synthesis study of structured population models, Ecology Letters , 27 (3).
Sarah Tan, Giles Hooker, Paul Koch, Albert Gordo, Rich Caruana (2023), Considerations when learning additive explanations for black-box models, Machine Learning, 112 (p.p. 3333-3359).
Christina Hernandez, Stephen Ellner, Peter Adler, Giles Hooker, Robin Snyder (2023), An exact version of Life Table Response Experiment analysis, and the R package exactLTRE, Methods in Ecological Forecasting, 14 (3), pp. 939-951.
Yichen Zhou, Zhengze Zhou, Giles Hooker (2023), Approximate Trees: Statistical Stability in Model Distillation, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery , 38 (p.p. 3308-3346).
Yichen Zhou and Giles Hooker (2022), Decision tree boosted varying coefficient models, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery , 36 (p.p. 2237-2271).
Stephen Ellner, Robin Snyder, Peter Adler, Giles Hooker (2022), Toward a “Modern Coexistence Theory” for the Discrete and Spatial, Ecological Monographs , 92 (4).
Yichen Zhou and Giles Hooker (2022), Boulevard: Regularized Stochastic Gradient Boosted Trees and Their Limiting Distribution, Journal of Machine Learning Research , 23 (183), pp. 1-44.
Giles Hooker and Hanlin Shang (2022), Selecting the Derivative of a Functional Covariate in Scalar-on-Function Regression, Statistics and Computing , 32 (3), pp. 35-47.
David Sinclair and Giles Hooker (2021), An Expectation Maximization Algorithm for High-Dimensional Model Selection for the Ising Model with Misclassified States, Journal of Applied Statistics , 49 (16), pp. 4049-4068.