413 Academic Research Building
265 South 37th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Research Interests: statistical and computational methods, biomedical data science, brain and body health
Links: Personal Website, Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. in Biostatistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2020
M.S. in Biostatistics, University of Florida, 2016
B.Hist. History & B.Econ, Mathematical Statistics, Xiamen University, 2014
Assistant Professor of Statistics (Tenure-track), Purdue University, 2020-2022
Bingxin Zhao, Tengfei Li, Yujue Li, Zirui Fan, Di Xiong, Xifeng Wang, Mufeng Gao, Stephen M. Smith, Hongtu Zhu (2023), An atlas of trait associations with resting-state and task-evoked human brain functional organizations in the UK Biobank, Imaging Neuroscience, 1 (pp. 1-23).
Bingxin Zhao, Fei Zou, Hongtu Zhu (2022), Cross-trait prediction accuracy of summary statistics in genome-wide association studies, Biometrics, (in press) ().
Esther Annan, Jinghui Guo, Aracely Angulo-Molina, Wan Fairos Wan Yaacob, Nasrin Aghamohammadi, Timothy C. Guetterman, Sare Ilknur Yavasoglu, Kevin Bardosh, Nazri Che Dom, Bingxin Zhao, Uriel A. Lopez-Lemus, Latifur Khan, Uyen-Sa D.T. Nguyen, Ubydul Haque (2022), Community acceptability of dengue fever surveillance using unmanned aerial vehicles: A cross-sectional study in Malaysia, Mexico, and Turkey, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 49 ().
Bingxin Zhao, Tengfei Li, Yue Yang, Xifeng Wang, Tianyou Luo, Yue Shan, Ziliang Zhu, Di Xiong, Mads E. Hauberg, Jaroslav Bendl, John F. Fullard, Panagiotis Roussos, Yun Li, Jason L. Stein, Hongtu Zhu (2022), Common genetic variation influencing human white matter microstructure, Science, 372 (6548).
Bingxin Zhao and Fei Zou (2022), On polygenic risk scores for complex traits prediction, Biometrics, 78 (2), pp. 499-511.
Bingxin Zhao, Tengfei Li, Stephen M. Smith, Di Xiong, Xifeng Wang, Yue Yang, Tianyou Luo, Ziliang Zhu, Yue Shan, Nana Matoba, Quan Sun, Yuchen Yang, Mads E. Hauberg, Jaroslav Bendl, John F. Fullard, Panagiotis Roussos, Weili Lin, Yun Li, Jason L. Stein, Hongtu Zhu (2022), Common variants contribute to intrinsic human brain functional networks, Nature Genetics, 54 (), pp. 508-517.
Bingxin Zhao, Xiaochen Yang, Hongtu Zhu (Working), Estimating trans-ancestry genetic correlation with unbalanced data resources.
Bingxin Zhao, Shurong Zheng, Hongtu Zhu (Working), On block-wise and reference panel-based estimators for genetic data prediction in high dimensions.
Bingxin Zhao, Tengfei Li, Zirui Fan, Yue Yang, Xifeng Wang, Tianyou Luo, Jiarui Tang, Di Xiong, Zhenyi Wu, Jie Chen, Yue Shan, Chalmer Tomlinson, Ziliang Zhu, Yun Li, Jason L. Stein, Hongtu Zhu (Working), Heart-brain connections: phenotypic and genetic insights from 40,000 cardiac and brain magnetic resonance images.
Bingxin Zhao, Tianyou Luo, Tengfei Li, Yun Li, Jingwen Zhang, Yue Shan, Xifeng Wang, Liuqing Yang, Fan Zhou, Ziliang Zhu, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition and Genetics, Hongtu Zhu (2021), Genome-wide association analysis of 19,629 individuals identifies variants influencing regional brain volumes and refines their genetic co-architecture with cognitive and mental health traits, Nature Genetics, 51 (), pp. 1637-1644.
Independent Study allows students to pursue academic interests not available in regularly offered courses. Students must consult with their academic advisor to formulate a project directly related to the student’s research interests. All independent study courses are subject to the approval of the AMCS Graduate Group Chair.
Study under the direction of a faculty member.
Study under the direction of a faculty member. Hours to be arranged.
The goal of this course is to introduce the Python programming language within the context of the closely related areas of statistics and data science. Students will develop a solid grasp of Python programming basics, as they are exposed to the entire data science workflow, starting from interacting with SQL databases to query and retrieve data, through data wrangling, reshaping, summarizing, analyzing and ultimately reporting their results. Competency in Python is a critical skill for students interested in data science. Prerequisites: No prior programming experience is expected, but statistics, through the level of multiple regression is required. This requirement may be fulfilled with Undergraduate courses such as Stat 1020, Stat 1120.
The goal of this course is to introduce the Python programming language within the context of the closely related areas of statistics and data science. Students will develop a solid grasp of Python programming basics, as they are exposed to the entire data science workflow, starting from interacting with SQL databases to query and retrieve data, through data wrangling, reshaping, summarizing, analyzing and ultimately reporting their results. Competency in Python is a critical skill for students interested in data science. Prerequisites: No prior programming experience is expected, but statistics, through the level of multiple regression is required. This requirement may be fulfilled with Undergraduate courses such as Stat 1020, Stat 1120.
This course offers a comprehensive introduction to biomedical data science research, tailored for graduate students from Statistics and various interdisciplinary domains. Aimed at facilitating end-to-end data science research capabilities, this course covers the development and application of computational methods and statistical techniques for analyzing voluminous datasets, particularly in biology, healthcare, and medicine. Students will gain insights into various data types prevalent in biomedical research, emerging large-scale data resources, and the art of formulating scientific questions. The course encompasses methodology research, scientific research, collaborative research, computing tools, software development, as well as scientific writing, including both research papers and grant proposals. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the foundational skills and knowledge required to excel as statisticians and research scientists, whether they choose to pursue a career in industry or academia. Prerequisite: For students from the STAT department, this course is tailored for those who have successfully completed the qualifying exam and are ready to embark on their research journey. Exceptions for first-year students will be considered on an individual basis. For master's or Ph.D. students from other departments or programs, such as AMCS, the prerequisites will differ based on their specific curriculum. At a minimum, students should have master-level expertise in one or more of the following areas: applied mathematics and probability, computing and software development, web development, bioinformatics, biostatistics, epidemiology, computational biology, genetics/genomics, neuroscience, radiology, and medical imaging.
This seminar will be taken by doctoral candidates after the completion of most of their coursework. Topics vary from year to year and are chosen from advance probability, statistical inference, robust methods, and decision theory with principal emphasis on applications.
The highest level of graduate student scholarship at UNC-Chapel Hill
Recognition of the best doctoral dissertation-based paper appearing in a prestigious biostatistics journal completed during a calendar year