Undergraduate Statistics and Data Science Minor

Students interested in the minor must have the prior approval of the Statistics and Data Science Minor Advisors, Professor Mark Low or Professor Winston Lin in order to develop a curriculum for the minor that is appropriate for their interests. If you are a senior who is graduating at the end of the Spring semester, then you need to declare the minor by the end of the Fall semester. Wharton students are not eligible for the Statistics and Data Science Minor.

If you need a permit to register for a course, please do not contact the Statistics and Data Science Minor Advisor for permission to get into the course. The Statistics and Data Science Minor Advisor can grant permission to use a course for your Minor, but only the instructor of the particular course can grant you permission to enroll in the course.


Student who want to declare a Statistics and Data Science Minor will need to download, complete, and submit the Statistics Minor Declaration Form for Professor Low and Professor Lin’s approval through the Declare/Update Field of Study form on the following website: https://srfs.upenn.edu/registrar/forms.

Students are expected to carefully review the minor requirement information available on this website. If you have unanswered questions, then you are encouraged to consult with your faculty advisor and the Statistics and Data Science Minor Advisors, Professor Mark Low (425 Academic Research Building, lowm@wharton.upenn.edu) and Professor Winston Lin (435 Academic Research Building, linston@wharton.upenn.edu).

Prerequisites (3 courses)

• Either MATH 1080 Mathematics of Change II, MATH 1410 Calculus II, MATH 1510: Calculus II with Probability and Matrices, or MATH 1610 Honors Calculus.
• An introductory statistics sequence. Examples include:
STAT 1010 and 1020 Introductory Business Statistics (STAT 1018 and 1028 honors version)
STAT 1110 and 1120 Introductory Statistics
**STAT 4300 Probability and STAT 4310 Statistical Inference

**MATH 1080, MATH 1410, MATH 1510, MATH 1610 can serve as a prerequisite for STAT 4300.

**Students may take ESE 3010 and ESE 4020 as prerequisites for the Statistics minor. These students do not need to take any other introductory courses, but they must take all upper-level course from within the Statistics and Data Science Department.

**Students may take two semesters of economic statistics, such as ECON 2300 and 2310. These students do not need to take any other introductory courses, but they must take all upper-level course from within the Statistics and Data Science Department.

Students who take introductory statistics courses other than those listed above may have slightly different requirements for the minor and these courses must be approved by Professor Low or Professor Lin.

Required Core Course (1)
**STAT 4300 Introductory Probability
***If you have taken ESE 3010, then you need not and should not take STAT 4300 for the STAT Minor.

Elective Courses (3 credits)
STAT 4050 Statistical Computing with R (0.5 CUs)
STAT 4100X Data Collection and Acquisition (0.5 CUs)
STAT 4220 Predictive Analytics (0.5 CUs)
STAT 4230 Applied Machine Learning in Business
STAT 4240 Text Analytics (0.5 CUs)
STAT 4320 Mathematical Statistics (STAT 5120)
STAT 4330 Stochastic Processes
STAT 4350/5350 Forecasting Methods for Management (STAT 7110)
STAT 4420 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
STAT 4700 Data Analytics and Statistical Computing (STAT 5030)
STAT 4710 Modern Data Mining (STAT 5710)
STAT 4740 Modern Regression (STAT 9740)
STAT 4750 Sample Survey Design
STAT 4760 Applied Probability Models in Marketing
STAT 4770 Introduction to Python for Data Science (0.5 CUs or 1 CU – the format of the course varies depending on the semester and instructor)
STAT 4810 Convex Optimization for Statistics and Data Science (STAT 5810)
STAT 4830 Numerical Optimization for Data Science and Machine Learning
STAT 4900 Causal Inference (STAT 590)
STAT 5150 Advanced Statistical Inference I (Recommended for seniors; instructor permission is needed to take the course)
STAT 5200 Applied Econometrics I
STAT 5210 Applied Econometrics II
STAT 5310 Advanced Stochastic Processes
STAT 5420 Bayesian Methods and Computation
STAT 9300 Advanced Probability Theory
STAT 9310 Advanced Stochastic Processes
STAT 9610 Statistical Methodology

*BEPP 2800: Applied Data Analysis and Causality for Business and Public Policy
*CIS 5450 Big Data Analytics
*ECON 4310 Time Series Econometrics
*ECON 4320 Advanced Econometric Techniques and Applications
*ECON 4330 Statistical Learning and Causal Inference for Economics
*MKTG 3090/8090 (formerly MKTG 269/699) Experiments for Business Decision Making
*OIDD 9300 (formerly OPIM 9300) Stochastic Models

Any course not listed above will require the prior approval of Professor Low or Professor Lin.
*Only one non-statistics course may be used among the electives for the minor, unless using ECON 2300 and 2310 in which case no non-STAT courses may be used.

***Since STAT 4300 is also a core course, students who complete STAT 4300-4310 as an introductory sequence must complete four additional electives for the minor.

Course Numbers Categories
Courses numbered 43X are theory based, mathematics courses.
Courses numbered 47X are statistics courses of a more applied, computational nature.
Courses numbered 5XX are graduate level classes often taken by talented undergraduates.
Courses numbered 7XX are MBA level classes that allow undergraduates to enroll.

—-Please do not e-mail Professor Low or Professor Lin with questions about getting into a course or your position on any waitlists.

—-If the course is restricted, then the instructor maintains the waitlist and decides who to admit. Contact info can be found in the Penn Directory: https://www.upenn.edu/directories. If a course is full, then you can go to https://penncoursealert.com/ to get notified if seats open up.

—-For any IT issues with Canvas, please e-mail courseware@wharton.upenn.edu

—-For any path@penn IT issues with course registration, please e-mail pathatpenn@pobox.upenn.edu

Statistics and Data Science Minor Advisors
Dr. Mark Low
425 Wharton Academic Research Building
265 South 37th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Dr. Winston Lin
435 Academic Research Building
265 South 37th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104