Yuchen Wu

Yuchen Wu
  • Postdoctoral Researcher

Contact Information


Current Courses (Summer 2024)

  • STAT1010 - Intro Business Stat

    Data summaries and descriptive statistics; introduction to a statistical computer package; Probability: distributions, expectation, variance, covariance, portfolios, central limit theorem; statistical inference of univariate data; Statistical inference for bivariate data: inference for intrinsically linear simple regression models. This course will have a business focus, but is not inappropriate for students in the college. This course may be taken concurrently with the prerequisite with instructor permission.

    STAT1010910 ( Syllabus )

All Courses

  • STAT1010 - Intro Business Stat

    Data summaries and descriptive statistics; introduction to a statistical computer package; Probability: distributions, expectation, variance, covariance, portfolios, central limit theorem; statistical inference of univariate data; Statistical inference for bivariate data: inference for intrinsically linear simple regression models. This course will have a business focus, but is not inappropriate for students in the college. This course may be taken concurrently with the prerequisite with instructor permission.

Knowledge at Wharton

Summer Reading: Wharton Faculty Picks

Wharton professors recommend their favorite books, from leadership primers to biographies and social commentary.Read More

Knowledge @ Wharton - 7/23/2024
What Does Your Writing Style Say About You?

Wharton’s Jonah Berger explains how writing style can predict future success.Read More

Knowledge @ Wharton - 7/23/2024
How to Align Private Equity Motives with Nursing Home Outcomes

Nursing home reforms could include helping elderly patients overcome information frictions, linking payments with performance, and strengthening ratings, according to Wharton research.Read More

Knowledge @ Wharton - 7/22/2024