Henry Shugart

Henry Shugart
  • PhD Student

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Knowledge at Wharton

NBA Motion Tracking Data

Wharton experts speak with Kirk Goldsberry, author of 'Hoop Atlas: Mapping the Transformation of the Modern NBA.'Read More

Knowledge @ Wharton - 5/15/2024
Four Pillars of Decision-driven Analytics

In an excerpt from their new book, Wharton’s Stefano Puntoni and co-author Bart De Langhe argue that the power of data can only be realized by leveraging human intelligence. Read More

Knowledge @ Wharton - 5/14/2024
Why Banks Are Worried About the ‘Basel III Endgame’

Wharton’s David Zaring explains how the proposed Basel III Endgame banking rules, scheduled to go into effect this year, could impact U.S. banks.Read More

Knowledge @ Wharton - 5/14/2024